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Deutschland 07056-9398-0
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1/8 DIN Digital Panel Thermocouple Meters


1/8 DIN Digital Panel Thermocouple Meters | DP63300-TC

1/8 DIN Digital Panel Thermocouple Meters

2 year warranty CE
  • Thermocouple Meter
  • 4-Digit, 14 mm (0.56") LED
  • Programmable Thermocouple Type (T, E, J, K, R, S, B, N or mV Scale)
  • Conforms to ITS-90 Standards
  • Selectable °F or °C with 0.1 or 1° Display Resolution
  • Programmable Temperature Offset
  • Programmable Digital Filtering Enhances Stability
  • Peak/Valley (High/Low Reading) Memory
  • IP65 (NEMA 4X) Front Panel
Temperatur- und Prozessmessgeräte, Timer und Zähler - Verwandte Produkte anzeigen


The DP63300-TC thermocouple meter accepts inputs from standard thermocouples and precisely linearises them. A full 4-digit display accommodates a wide range of temperature inputs. The unit automatically compensates for cold junction, linearity and the meter’s zero and span.
The meter features a readout choice of either Fahrenheit or Celsius with 0.1 or 1° resolution. Display prompts and front panel buttons aid the operator through set-up and operation. With a few simple steps the unit can be used as a millivolt meter. This mode is useful in monitoring and displaying the actual voltage produced at the thermocouple probe junction and as an aid in troubleshooting for a faulty thermocouple probe.
The meter provides a peak “HI” and valley “LO” reading memory with selectable capture delay time. The capture delay is used to prevent detection of false peak or valley readings that may occur during start-up or unusual process events. The peak and valley readings are stored at power-down so that process limits can be monitored over any length of time. Programmable digital filtering enhances the stability of the reading.
All setup data is stored in E2PROM, which will hold data for a minimum of 10 years without power. The meter has several built-in diagnostic functions to alert operators of any malfunction. Extensive testing of noise interference mechanisms and full burn-in makes the indicator extremely reliable in industrial environments. The front panell meets IP65 requirements for water and dust protection.
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Thermocouple input, 85 to 250 Vac, 50/60 Hz
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Lieferzeit: 1 Woche
1/8 DIN Panel Punch
*Alle Preisangaben in Euro.
Anmerkung: Comes with complete operator's manual.
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